Flavor Triangle

Flavor is a truly unique and intriguing ingredient for modern food and beverage development.  How that flavor is used is what separates products from being good to being great.  Developing a product is balancing the different aspects of the key ingredients in a food or beverage to fit that particular product perfectly.  For most beverages, greatness is achieved by using the Flavor Triangle. 



Flavor Triangle


By using different ingredients with the same flavor, we can create a multitude of beverages.  How we balance these is the main objective for all beverage development. 

Sweeteners include sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, and stevia.  These will need to be balanced for overall sweetness, front and back end, to achieve the desired taste for the beverage.  For more information see, “What sweetener should I use?” 

Acids include citric acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, tartaric acid, etc.  The level of acidity in the beverage needs to be well thought out and executed for the desired effect.  Raising or lowering the acids and using single or combination acids makes each beverage move on the scale until the desired effect is reached.

Flavor is the perception that the consumer correlates to the name of the product and brand.  This is what the other points on the triangle are trying to elevate and enhance into the best possible form for the consumer.  If we start with a superior flavor or flavors, then it is easy to get a superior product as long as the sweetness and acidity are at the correct levels. This is different for each product and all three aspects - flavor, sweetness, and acid - will need to be adjusted until desired effects are achieved. 

Each beverage is unique.  We supply a base formula to get our customers started.  Making small adjustments and dialing in the components of the flavor triangle will result in a superior product.  Much like art, this is flavor art, but it is a perception in the end.  Everyone’s perception is different, so while it is impossible to make everyone happy, it is possible to make someone’s favorite food or drink.  Spend some time in the development, be patient, make sure you’re happy with your product, and move on to the next one.

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